Alla inrikesavgångar från Arlanda går från Terminal 5.
Check in
Remember to take your ID with you, as mandatory identity controls apply - even on domestic flights.
Check-in opens 60 minutes before departure and closes 30 minutes before departure.
Please come on time!
If you do not arrive before we close (30 min before departure) your seat on the flight will be made available to stand-by travellers. If we need to get in cntact with you for any reason always ensure that you are contactable on the phone number you entered in your booking.
Mark your baggage with your name, address and phone number. Pack valuables and medicines in your on board hand luggage. Bags for packing and proctection of prams/strollers are available for 50 sek at the airport.
Luggage storage
Är du ute i väldigt god tid eller behöver bli av med ditt bagage i väntan på att incheckningen ska öppna? Det finns ett bagagerum som våra gäster kostnadsfritt får utnyttja. Vi tar inte ansvar för eventuella värdesaker/väskor i bagagerummet.
This service is only available during our regular opening hours.
After you have checked in, you must pass the security check point. For information on he rules of what is allowed in your checked baggage and in your hand luggage you can click on this Link
Departure lounge / Gate
Directly after going through the security check point you enter gate/lounge. You can purchase coffee, tea, chocolate, soda and snacks in our vending machines. You also have access to TV, free Wifi, toilets and a small play corner for children.
På Hemavan Tärnaby Airport parkerar du gratis i 2 timmar, efter det tar vi ut en parkeringsavgift. Mer information gällande parkering hittar du this Link
If you need transfer to and from the airport, it needs to be pre-booked with
Hemavan Taxi – 0954- 210 20.
When booking transfers for early morning flights you need to book prior to 17.00 the day before your departure.
We wish you a pleasant trip!
We hope you enjoy you journey, please do not hesitate to ask us if there is anything you need help with. We are here for you!
Best regards / Airport Staff